The Mystery of Lime Cement Colour Unveiled

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      Have you ever wondered what colour lime cement is? Lime cement is a popular building material used in construction, but its colour can vary depending on several factors. In this post, we will explore the different colours of lime cement and what causes them.

      Firstly, it is important to note that lime cement is not a single colour. The colour can range from white to grey, and even yellowish or greenish hues. The colour of lime cement is determined by the type of lime used, the amount of water added, and the presence of impurities.

      The most common type of lime used in cement is hydrated lime, which is made by adding water to quicklime. Hydrated lime is white in colour, and when mixed with water and sand, it produces a white mortar. However, if the lime is not fully hydrated, it can result in a greyish colour.

      Another factor that affects the colour of lime cement is the amount of water added. If too much water is added, the cement can become more yellowish or greenish in colour. This is because the excess water can cause the lime to react with impurities in the sand, resulting in a change in colour.

      Lastly, the presence of impurities in the lime or sand can also affect the colour of lime cement. For example, if the sand used contains iron oxide, it can cause the cement to turn yellow or red. Similarly, if the lime contains impurities such as magnesium or aluminum, it can result in a greenish hue.

      In conclusion, the colour of lime cement can vary depending on several factors, including the type of lime used, the amount of water added, and the presence of impurities. It is important to consider these factors when choosing lime cement for construction projects.

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